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Pupil Premium

Guidance on the use of Pupil Premium Funding:

The DfE have provided information to schools on how they can use Pupil Premium Funding.  Click here to see their website.

What is Pupil Premium? 

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gap between them and their peers.

Why has it been introduced?

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and their peers.  It ensures that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. Whilst schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit, they are required to publish online information about how the money has been used. 

How is Pupil Premium Funding used at Scarcliffe?

Please see the information in the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement below.  Links to documents from previous years can be found at the foot of this page.  

Our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Our strategy statement below sets out how we are using Pupil Premium funding to support our pupils. 

SPS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-26: Updated August 2024(PDF)


How was Pupil Premium funding spent in the past?

Please click on the links below to see previous Pupil Premium spending plans. 

SPS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-26: Written August 2023 (PDF)

SPS Pupil Premium Spending Plan 2022-23 (PDF)

SPS Pupil Premium Spending Plan 2021-22 (PDF)